Massy Arias Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Massy Arias 2018 Workout Secrets and Fitness Advice

Massy Arias is one of the self-made women who leave a mark in the world and are remembered for years and years. She is not just a fantastic trainer for celebrities like Tess Holliday, Kelly Rowland, and many others, she is also an Instagram influencer, a loving wife and a doting mother.

Massy Arias in an Instagram selfie in October 2018 at Los Angeles, California (Massy Arias / Instagram)

Here you can have a look at her workout secrets, postpartum fitness secrets, and some amazing workout advice. What are you waiting for? Start scrolling.

Creative Workouts

The loving mother recently took help from her baby to work off the extra calories. No, she didn’t run after the little munchkin as all mothers do. Instead, she used her daughter’s weight to do some strenuous lower body exercises. Well, that’s what we call creative workouts.

Lower Body Workout

  • Smith Machine Squat
  • Step Up
  • Dumbbell Walking Lunge
  • Wall Sit
  • Pulsing Sumo Squat
  • Bulgarian Split Squat

It is recommended that you do 3 to 5 rounds of this circuit. After the circuits, you can also spend 20 minutes on the StairMaster as Massy did.

Empowering Women

The stunner admits that fitness has changed her life and shaped her as a person. She wants to educate other women on how to build confidence via movement and fitness. Women should know that they are all beautiful and being diverse is good. She also hopes that brands would one day make products that will celebrate diversity and help every woman to feel beautiful.

Massy Arias before and after weight loss in October 2018 (Massy Arias / Instagram)

Embracing Curves

Women also need to realize that if you have curves, you can still be healthy. Though many women consider lean to be healthy, this is not the case. All you need to focus on is being healthy and taking care of yourself while appreciating the natural body shape you have.

The Big Change

Arias’s life was not this perfect always. Around 6 years back, her life was a mess as she had just gotten over an abusive relationship and her brother was battling Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

At that time, she was depressed and it affected her health. She barely ate food, lost a lot of weight and had problems like hair fall. She tried several treatments like therapy, herbal techniques, and hypnosis but none of it worked for her. Her life changed the day she hit the gym.

When she entered the gym, she went for an elliptical and push-ups. She aimed to find some kind of mental release. Slowly, her social media posts caught the attention and people started asking her technical questions. It was then she realized that she could get certified as a trainer. Before that, she never thought of training as a career option.

Don’t Give Up

One of the things that she has noticed as a trainer is that people give up too easily. They don’t have enough belief in themselves to keep pushing, and so they quit easily. You should realize that quitting might not get you the results you want. Instead, trial and error, believing in yourself and a lot of failures will help you reach all the goals you hope to achieve.

Learn to Be Happy

If you are after some mental peace, then you should learn to surround yourself with positive people who see the sunshine in every situation and are full of self-confidence. You should also learn to block negative feedback by remembering that no matter how good you think you have done, there will always be people who will criticize you. So, be happy with yourself and your performance. Another key to happiness is to realize that you don’t have to do everything on your own. You should ask for help if and when needed.

Postpartum Fitness

The fitness guru reveals that the postpartum period was one of the toughest phases of her life because her life revolved around her daughter. She didn’t take much care of herself and often didn’t have the time to bathe, sleep or eat. She was also anxious most of the time, too worried about her baby and cried every day. Things changed when she joined a mother’s group and got the support she needed from them.

Massy Arias showing her lean muscular body in October 2018 (Massy Arias / Instagram)

Another thing that helped her through the bad phase was exercise. As the beauty had earlier used exercise to get away from depression, she decided to do that again. As soon as she got the clearance from the doctor, which was 4 weeks postpartum, she hit the gym. Though her online supporters advised her to rest and don’t be hasty in pursuing a pre-baby body, Massy was doing no such thing. She wanted to be in the gym for feeling better.

A few days later, she started hitting the gym pretty regularly and even brought her daughter to the gym. This decision proved to be beneficial for the duo as they now spend some quality time together while the new mumma gets her confidence and fitness levels back.

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