23-Year-Old Mom Gunned Down on Mother's Day While Trying to Help Her Friend with Baby

A 23-year-old woman was recently gunned down on Mother's Day weekend after she tried to help her friend defuse her baby daddy's rage— he is still on the run.

A young woman from Georgia lost her life on Mother's Day weekend when she tried to defuse an altercation between a violent man and her friend. Her name was Selena Dukes, and she was murdered for her good intentions.

According to her family members, she joined her friend, who wanted to retrieve her infant from her baby daddy, on a trip to the old Sandtown Vista Apartments, now commonly referred to as The Slate, where the man stayed.

Miami police responding to a 911 call outside an apartment | Photo: Getty Images

At the location where the child exchange was to happen, Dukes' friend got into an argument with the father of her child. Being a mother and a woman herself, Dukes could not ignore what had been an escalating situation, so she got involved.

It was a mistake she would never get to live down because her involvement got her friend's baby daddy, a man identified as the 33–year–old Diante Gore, trigger happy.

He pulled out his gun and shot Dukes in the back right there in the apartment parking lot. She died at the scene and Gore, knowing what he'd done, took off.

Dukes' death was undeserved and it rocked her community almost as much as it did her family. They are having a hard time dealing with the tragedy a couple of years after Dukes' child passed on.

A photo of a police car on the scene of an incident. | Photo: Shutterstock

According to Fox 5, her baby had just been nine months old when she lost her life on Father's Day weekend in 2019. Her death was precipitated by her father, who is currently in jail.

Gore will be charged with a long list of offenses.

Her friends described Dukes as a "sweet and bubbly" kind of person who was loved by a lot of people. This was proven when more than a hundred people showed up at a park for a candlelight vigil dedicated to her.

Gore is still at large even though a search for him has intensified. Members of the community have been begging for his surrender, but their pleas have fallen on deaf ears so far.

Police line do not cross sign | Photo: Shutterstock

Once he is apprehended, Gore will be charged with a long list of offenses including aggravated assault, murder, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. RIP Selena Dukes.
