Cute baby feels jealous of father kissing mum and starts a 'kissing fight' with him

When a father gives mom a kiss it causes a war of sorts, leaving mom lapping up kisses.

This adorable video shows father and baby having a kissing war, seeing who can give mom the last kiss. Dad is seen giving mom a kiss, then baby demands a kiss from mom, this continues multiple times to the amusement of the parents.

Source: YouTube/OrangeCabinet

Psychology has a term for this, Oedipus complex, explaining the behavior of the child refers to a child’s unconscious desire for the opposite-sex parent and dislike for the same-sex parent.

It is considered a successful outcome when the child’s identification with the same-sex parent develops, while the unsuccessful outcome considered being the inability to relate to the same-sex parent, leading to neurosis, homosexuality, and others.

This is a natural process of transition in a child’s life. In the video, it also shows another important part of this transition. Towards the end of the clip, the child is seen kissing dad as well; the transition in line with the natural development according to the Oedipus complex.

Another example showing the Oedipus complex was posted by Matt and Krissy Hanneken. It shows their baby girl jealous of her parents kissing in front of her. With every kiss, the girl cries but when she receives a kiss from her dad she is all smiles again. All is well as long as mom and dad don’t kiss in front of their jealous little daughter.

It is not just little children displaying jealousy. Our pets do too. For many, their pets are their children, and they can show similar behavior. Similarly, Chloe Copley’s 2 Labradors was filmed while one received a dose of regular ear medication needed for constant ear infections. The other Labrador Chache show it dislikes what appears to be unequal amounts of attention, getting jealous Chache comes demanding its extra share. All ends well as they pretend to give Chache some ear drops too, leading to both animal children being content again.
