Rachel Frederickson Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Biggest Loser Season 15 winner, Rachel Frederickson astonished us with her dramatic makeover when after shedding massive pounds, she appeared in skinny body in the finale of the reality show, Biggest Loser in 2014. Rachel who was a popular swimmer athlete grew into an overweight woman when her boyfriend whom she had made her top priority broke up with her. Thanks to emotional eating that she packed up tremendous pounds. However, 5 ft 4 inch Rachel didn’t wish to come out of the show as a bulky winner. She resolved to drop unsolicited pounds and turn into trimmed and slender girl. And with her iron will, she melt away 155 pounds and turned out to be first ever underweight (Her BMI is approx 18, which is the indication of underweight) contestant of the show. Her transformation from 260 pounds to 105 pounds is really incredible and difficult to digest (Though she later gained 20 pounds and reached 125 pounds). Here are some of the diet and workout secrets of Rachel Frederickson which are accountable for her complete makeover.

Low Calorie Diet

Under the guidance of Biggest Loser nutrition expert, Cheryl Forberg, Rachel adhered to low calorie diet. From the chef of Biggest Loser club, she also learnt diverse recipes to prepare delicious cuisines by adding myriad veggies in them. While relying on five small meals in a day, she consumed 1600 calories in a day. Although rumors about her being suffering from eating disorder too are in uproar but the girl totally rules out them and says that she shed weight in totally healthy way. She incorporated nutrient-ridden foods and made sure that there was small amount of protein too in her meals. Rachel shares, she being an athletic girl since her childhood comprehends the significance of wholesome and nutrient dense foods.

Four to Six Hours Workouts

Rachel Frederickson exercising

Rachel being conscious of the fact that weight loss is unlikely to come easily resorted to extreme workouts. Without being slothful, she practiced varied workouts for four to six hours in a day. She immensely relied on high intensity cardio workouts such as zumba and spinning (aka cycling). She hit the dance classes three to four hours in a day. While being supervised by her personal trainer, Dolvett Quince, she executed grueling workouts. So, if you too feel inspired with her dramatic weight loss, make sure you have a fitness instructor to watch and direct your steps.

Besides that, despite not being in love with running, she made it her best buddy to strip off stubborn calories. Even at home, Rachel didn’t discontinue her discreet workout and diet routine. She ran for several minutes in a day and ate healthy diet. Aside from that, former competitive swimmer used her former profession to beat unwanted pounds. Now, the zero / two size babe aspires to keep her lost weight by practicing yoga and spinning classes. To strengthen her body, she is all set to incorporate weight training in her workout routine.

Self-motivated to Shed Weight

Though there has been wide criticism about her rapid weight loss, but Rachel don’t gives a damn to them. Extremely flattered with her new weight, she feels more confident and blissful than she ever was. Most of us turn to sweet or salty foods to deal with stress. However, if you begin executing workouts to manage stress, not only shall you experience revved up flow of adrenaline, you shall also zap away countless calories.

The beautiful girl shares that she spent all her free time in executing workouts which she earlier wasted on gulping down candy bars, and junk foods. Whenever she had time, she stepped on treadmill to keep her heart rate high. Since exercises boost the flow of good hormones, you feel elated. But unlike the consumption of processed and junk foods, your body doesn’t have to pay the toll to positively alter your mood.
